Current Greening Health Care Applied Research Projects


Purpose: The aim of this project is to break the logjam of the multiple knowledge, business and organizational factors which prevent the effective, sustained action needed to achieve the good energy efficiency standards of which all hospitals are capable. We are seeking to better understand what gets in the way, find effective solutions, and deliver savings at a scale which can establish momentum across the sector.

Description: Engage a representative mix of up to 10 hospitals interested in demonstrating energy and emissions savings through a systematic approach to measure identification, financing, implementation and performance verification combined with improvements in facility management, organizational alignment and management systems. Develop the technical measures for progressing each hospital from its current energy/carbon baseline to its optimal level of energy efficiency (GHC top-quartile or better), including improvements to operations, maintenance and controls and cost effective mechanical and electrical retrofits. Conduct in-depth interviews and examination into business and organizational opportunities, barriers and solutions to enable optimal standards of energy efficiency. Support the hospitals over the development and performance period through implementation of measures and organizational improvements, overcoming obstacles and monitoring savings. Produce initial SEM Guide for Hospitals with technical process flow chart.