Accelerating emissions reductions in hospital facilities 

We are excited to announce our schedule of events for 2024! These webinars and in-person events will be focused on ways for healthcare organizations to make immediate savings in energy, costs, and emissions. Be sure to visit our events site throughout the year for any programming updates and changes as well as recordings of completed events.  

2024 Projects and Events

We are continuing applied research projects and introducing new ones according to the priorities of our members and sponsors. Each project brings together member hospitals and industry experts, working together to develop and test new knowledge and practices for use by hospitals in advancing their energy and emissions reduction programs.

1. Webinar: Energy & Emissions Reductions – Planning for Success 

Setting targets, identifying the right measures, making the business case for investment, and implementing the improvements. While Ontario hospitals prepare their government-mandated energy conservation plans in 2024, other hospitals across North America tackle their own savings opportunities.  

Join us for panel discussions with healthcare leaders on technical, management, and organizational strategies, and with leading service providers on practical, outcomes-based partnerships which can deliver exceptional results. 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm EST 

2. Webinar: Picking the Low-Hanging Fruit

Lighting retrofits, scheduling HVAC plant and equipment, and improved controls – these three items account for the majority of the energy and emissions reduction potential in hospitals. Hear from our technical team presenting step by step guides from identifying measures and quantifying savings through to implementing improvements and verifying results.  

Get your questions answered and leave with a clear understanding of what to do and how to get it done. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm EDT 

3. September Workshop: Learning from the Best 

Learn from case studies of some of the most energy-efficient hospitals in North America – new and old, acute and continuing care, big city and small communities. We explore the technical features and management practices behind their high performance, and how their successes can be replicated to make every hospital the best it can be.  

Wednesday, September 4th, 2024: 8:30 am – 3:00pm EDT

4. Webinar: Energy Savings Leaderboard 

With support from government, utility companies and industry, Greening Health Care member hospitals are ramping up their energy efficiency efforts.  

Join us for this mid-year check-in on the top-savers. What have they been doing, where did they find help, and what challenges did they overcome in achieving energy savings?  

Wednesday, September 25th, 2024: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm EDT  

5. GHC Forum 2024: From Words to Action to Results 

Delta Hotel, Toronto  

King Charles nailed it at COP 28 in Dubai. Our keynote, Dr. Penny Ballem, and panelists at the 2023 Greening Health Care Annual Forum in Toronto did a superb job of articulating the urgency, challenges and opportunities of decarbonizing healthcare facilities.  

Join us at the 2024 Forum to pick up on those themes and discussions, review progress made in “changing direction” of the trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions, and further develop the bold, collaborative action needed to meet 2030 and 2050 emissions targets.  

 Monday, November 4, 2024: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm EST 

Sponsorship Opportunities  

We offer sponsorship opportunities for our webinars and in-person conferences, as well as exhibitor booth spaces at the 2024 Annual Forum.  

For more information on sponsorship options, please contact:  

Heather Bell  

GHC webinar Nov 18 2020