Summer (Virtual) Forum

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Summer (Virtual) Forum

Video recordings of this event are available by clicking on the heading links below!

Welcome, Context and Introductions (11:51 min)

  • Ian Jarvis, Executive Director, Climate Challenge Network

Keynote and Executive Panel (69:55 min)

With COVID, climate and social crises playing out in real time, how are policy makers and hospital executives reconciling and responding to sometimes competing economic, public health and environmental priorities?

  • Dr Penny Ballem, Board Chair, Vancouver Coastal Health
  • Ramé Hemstreet, Vice President of Operations & Chief Sustainable Resources Officer, Kaiser Permanente
  • Steve Rees, Vice President, International Federation of Healthcare Engineering
  • Rudy Dahdal, Vice President, Planning, Redevelopment and Clinical Support, North York General Hospital

Building Towards the Healthy, Prosperous, Low Carbon Future (46:30 min)

What federal and provincial/state budgets and spending bills are telling us about the opportunities ahead and a review of carbon taxes and the emerging landscape of infrastructure funding, grants, incentives, and penalties.

  • Divya Shah, Managing Director, Investments, Canada Infrastructure Bank
  • Mike Rohan, Corporate Director, Engineering & Infrastructure, Northwell Health, New York
  • Marc Lalonde, Program Officer, Natural Resources Canada

Benchmarks and Targets – the practical pathway to the low carbon future (31:51 min)

Introducing the new benchmarking initiative in search of the most energy efficient buildings. This includes quantifying the achievable savings potential in energy, operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Ian Jarvis, Executive Director, Climate Challenge Network

Ventilation Resiliency – 5 steps to safe, healthy and carbon-efficient air handling systems (32:35 min)

Integrating best practices for testing, controls, retrofits, design standards and ongoing maintenance and case studies from Alberta Health Services; systematically harvesting the new low hanging fruit.

  • Frans Diepstraten, Office of Sustainability & Energy Management, Alberta Health Services
  • Jared Hopper, Technical Lead – Special Projects, Medicine Hat Regional Hospital
  • David Eldridge, ASHRAE TC 9.6 Health Care Facilities, Associate, Grumman|Butkus Associates

Transitioning to the Low Carbon Central Plant (57:33 min)

Realigning building condition assessments, capital planning and asset management to the new realities of zero carbon over time. A case study of Headwaters Health Care, laying the groundwork for low carbon over time.

  • Janet Mininch, Director, Facilities and Engineering, Headwaters Health Care Centre
  • Daniela Buehner, Strategic Sourcing Specialist, Shared Services West

Please contact with any questions about this event.