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The issues of energy transition, electrification, decarbonization, and efficiency first are driving change in healthcare facility policy, planning, finance and operations across North America. Join us in Toronto to network for a day with healthcare leaders as they explore what these changes mean for roles, responsibilities and decision-making in their own organizations, and the kinds of equipment, resources and service delivery models needed to meet emissions reduction targets.
8:00 – Registration and Breakfast – Sponsored by EllisDon Facilities Services
9:00 – Why We Have to Act NowIntroduction and Context
Climate change is the defining issue of our times, which will disproportionately impact the healthcare sector.
Despite government policy and best intentions, emissions due to hospital facility operations continue to climb. With the present trajectory we will miss 2030 targets by a wide margin.
Think globally but act locally. Every hospital has a role to play in closing the gap.
Keynote Address – Sponsored by Stantec Dr. Penny Ballem, MD FRCP FCAHS Board Chair, Vancouver Coastal Health, British Columbia Dr. Penny Ballem was appointed Chair of the Board of VCH in January 2019. Dr. Ballem is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. She has had a 35-year career as a health leader and academic clinician in British Columbia. She served as the B.C. deputy minister of health from 2001-06. She also served as the city manager for the City of Vancouver from 2008-15.
10:15 – Coffee and Networking Break
10:45 – What We Have to Get Right
New Hospital Performance – we invest billions in new facilities, but a majority of them fail to meet the energy and emissions performance standards they were designed for.
Existing Hospital Transition – moving from steam-centric, high carbon central plants to high efficiency low carbon systems and operations at the least life cycle cost.
Running It Right – excellence in operations, maintenance, building automation and management practices.
Panel Discussion: Managing Change in Challenging Times
Join the discussion with healthcare leaders exploring governance, management and operational essentials for successfully negotiating practical pathways to the low carbon future.
Craig Doerksen Executive Director, Capital & Facilities Management Shared Health (Manitoba)
Kyle Robinson Chief Redevelopment & Sustainable Facilities Officer Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), Toronto
Mike Rohan Corporate Director, Engineering and Infrastructure Northwell Health, New York
12:00 – Lunch break
1:00 – Changing Direction Panel Discussion: Working Together to Get Things Done Everyone – governments, hospitals and industry – has an important role to play in the transition to the low carbon future. Old ways will not get us to new outcomes. Be part of the conversation with our expert panel exploring the kinds of collaborations, networks and partnerships which can engage all parties in meeting high performance targets:
Individual roles, responsibilities, and accountability
New Delivery Models:
Outcomes-based service agreements
Energy Performance Contracting for deep retrofits
New hospital development and operations
Cliff Harvey Joint VP Redevelopment Grand River Hospital / St. Mary’s General Hospital
John Marshman Vice President Capital, Facilities and Business Development Southlake Regional Health Centre
Colin Flock Senior Vice President EllisDon Facilities Services
Janet Mininch Director, Facilities and Engineering Headwaters Health Care Centre
Paul Ingham Vice President – Sales and Marketing Thermogenics Boilers
2:15 – Coffee and Networking Break
2:45 – Building on Success – Case Studies to Learn From
Success stories and case studies
Individual responsibility
What will we do now (tomorrow) to accelerate change?