Since 2004


Greening Health Care is a network of leading hospitals, healthcare groups and other organizations across North America working together to achieve deep energy and greenhouse gas emissions reductions in healthcare facilities. Members benchmark their performance and share best practices and success stories through workshops, a member website and the Annual Forum. Actual savings results are reported annually and top-performing hospitals are recognized every year. Greening Health Care conducts extensive data-driven research to address identified knowledge gaps, producing best practice reports, checklists and analytical tools to help hospitals accelerate their progress towards low carbon operations.

With the Greening Health Care Program hospitals can:

      • Learn strategies to save energy and reduce utility costs
      • Compare energy and water use with other hospitals
      • Establish energy use targets and estimate cost savings potential
      • Access expert advice on and support with technical, regulatory, and incentive program matters
      • Network at forums, workshops and webinars
      • Share industry knowledge and best practices
      • Be recognized for achievements through industry awards
      • Demonstrate leadership in energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction
      • Contribute to a healthy community


GHC has established a true community where our members share and exchange ideas at our industry events. We host several workshops, webinars, and a forum throughout the year.

Helping hospitals become leaders in energy efficiency, reduce their impact on the environment, and contribute more broadly to mitigating climate change and making their communities more sustainable.